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Special Breeding

Taylormade Bella
​* Appraisal Score ? *
(Import Female Owned by Mid America Boerboels)
will be bred to...


Eldorado Frank Sinatra
* Appraisal Score ? *


bred October 2020 | due 12/17/2020


Special Breeding

Elevation Tia
​* Appraisal Score 81.4% *
(Import Female Owned by Mid America Boerboels)
will be bred to...


Landre Max
(aka Big Red Machine)
* Appraisal Score 87.3% *


bred October 2020 | due 12/17/2020

Import Female
Elevation Tia

Appraisal Score 81.4%



Import Female

Superior Pepsi 

Appraisal Score 88.5%


100% Avontuur lines
Super bred female
Grand daughter of Legendary Avontuur Troy & SA Superior Buddha


Import Female
Sweetie Pie

Appraisal Score 84.6%


now owned by MidAmerica Boerboels


Special Breeding

Import Female
​* Appraisal Score 86.2% *
(Big Red Machine Daughter)
 bred to...


* Appraisal Score 92.2% *
(Owned by D&K Boerboels)


born  03/02/2021




Special Breeding

Import Female
Afrika Maya
​* Appraisal Score 93.1% *
(owned by Mid America Boerboels)
has been bred to...


Balkan Marko
* Appraisal Score 95.9% *
(owned by D&K Boerboels)
Superior Kaspaas
* Appraisal Score 91.2% *
(owned by Mid America Boerboels & D & K Boerboels)

bred 01/11/2021  :  born 03/15/2021



Special Breeding

Import Female
Bostu Lianie
​* Appraisal Score 91.8% *
(owned by D&K Boerboels)
bred to...


Woeker Boeta
* Appraisal Score 91.9% *
(owned by MidAmerica Boerboels)

bred 02/10/2021  :  due 04/13/2021



Import Female
Alexander Katera
​* Appraisal Score 82.8% *
(owned by MidAmerica Boerboels (Thanks to A N Fick))
has been bred to...


Elevation Harley II
* SABBS Score 83.5% *
(owned by A N Fick)


Import Female
Alexander Black Swan
​* Appraisal Score ?% *
(owned by MidAmerica Boerboels (Thanks to A N Fick))
has been bred to...


Bodington Boerboel Leo
* SABBS Score 82.9% *
(owned by MidAmerica Boerboels (Thanks to A N Fick))

* ..... *

Import Female

Alexander Black Swan

SABBS Score 81.2%


owned by MidAmerica Boerboels



Import Female
Alexander Black Phoenix

SABBS Score 84.4%


owned by MidAmerica Boerboels



Import Female
Alexander Lolita

SABBS Score 80.3%


owned by MidAmerica Boerboels



Reserve your puppy today !
*** Seller & buyer will pay half on shipping cost ***
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